
Feeding the Body

It has been said in the wisdom of the ages, Let food be thy Medicine.

Our bodies our temples to the Living God. I recently read the saying to stop putting trash in our minds and stop putting trash in our bodies. In the last hundred years, humanity is turning to alternative food products to consume. Some very common “new” foods are sugar, seed oils, flours and manufactured fats. Some have argued, these alternative food products have brought harm to the natural mechanisms of the body; causing inflammation, obesity, some mental illnesses and followed by common diseases affecting the function of organs and prematurely ending lives.

Reviewing religious restrictions, world nutrient based healing methods and even commonly promoted diets; there seems to be one common thread. The common thread is to eliminate what is man made. Simply, if it can be picked or killed, then it can be consumed by humans.

What about bread and grains?

If you are vegan, these are your staples that pair nicely with a multitude of vegetables, legumes, beans and fruits. Other diet methods may limit or eliminate these products, citing the increase of blood sugar and negative affects on insulin. Breads and grains, have a long shelf life. These products have been a blessing for humanity, to ward off hunger and starvation, when little meats were available and vegetables and fruits only could last a season.

What about Fasting? Many of our ancient cultures and traditions have promoted mild fasting, as a means to allow the body to heal and reset. Some cultures, withheld food but provided water during times of illness. Western medicine doctors also have been promoting medically supervised periods of fasting to improve health and condition. Eating a strict vegan diet, is a form of fasting.

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