
Chakras, the portals or wheels, where the source of energy, that animates the body from Spirit to the physical, enters the body, through the association of the hormone producing glandular system. WebMD provided an insightful definition, “chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind and intellect work at their best level. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been thoroughly examined in medical studies, but they may help you think about your own mind and body like any religion or belief- June 28,2021”

Oldest noted mention of the chakras are found to have originated in India, noted in the oldest texts known as the Vedas, in the Upanishads written in Sanskrit and before that handed down verbally, in the Hindu, Yogi and Buddhist beliefs. Edgar Cayce gave his definition, channeled from the Akashic records; ” the consciousness of the human body by relating those seven glands to the mystical spiritual centers that are known in the Eastern religions as chakras..the endocrine glands are both physical and spiritial, each with a mind of its own, which directs the hormonal output into the bloodstream and the neurological impulses into the nervous system…the seven glands seem to have a vortex arising out of them. Some researchers think that this energy originates in the body while others feel it is actually drawn into the body through sensitve areas,” per

New Age – Western based yoga has there beliefs. Modern Gurus have also given their definitions and noted numbers of Chakras in the body. Depending on the belief, there are 5-114 Chakras. Healthline also gave a brief crash course on Chakras in their article, A Beginner’s Guide to the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings, written by Gretchen Stelter- Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler R.D., L.D.

Then some Reiki studies may note other Chakras below and above the most common 7, but that is another topic.

7 Chakras – The most well known Chakras will be explained further. Some are able to see the Chakras. Below are the main names. I am adding the colors, as I have seen them and life/spiritial/body connection and the corresponding gland per Edgar Cayce’s readings.

1st – Root – base of spine; a red rose and sometimes a bush; associated with the ovaries or gonads – home

2nd – Sacral – below the belly button; orange light like stained glass rimmed with black iron, associated with the Leydig cells in males and hilar cells in the female – energy of the body/sexual function

3rd – Solar Plexus – above the belly button; yellow; associated with the adrenal glands – the will of a person

4th – Heart – center of the chest, infront of and above the heart; green, white and sometimes pink concentric circles; associate with the thymus (director of the immune system), also noted religious preference at the center, per person.

5th – Throat – light blue, like saphires leaves growing on a silver vine; thyroid – speaking ability

6th – locate under the brain, know as the 3rd eye – metaphysically – indigo blue, living circle of dark blue flames/petals – intuition usage

7th- attached to the base of the brain- the crown – the master gland- this is a lotus flower, with rotating petals/flames of light lavender and white – connection to Source/God

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