Ancient Civilizations

How long has man been on Earth? This has been a question asked for a millenia, by countless souls. Attempts to answer this questions has come from many philosophers, scientists, religions and even rumors of alien presence and start up with, Adam. This question, unfortunately presents more questions, depending on which aspect is viewed through. This topic will present many differing possiblilites, incuding; ancient advanced man who left this world millions of years ago, to stories of religious and spiritual beliefs, to ancient tribal tales and to archeology, which has disputes within their own ranks. There is carbon dating…can there be a slight flaw with proper dating. There has been found human artifacts, beneath the ancient lava flows. Has man been here for over 150 million years in this current body state and frame of mind or has it only been about 4000 years as taught is some religions. This is a fun topic to review and ponder.

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